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About IPL Photofacial

IPL (intense pulsed light) photofacial is an innovative non-surgical treatment for sun spots, freckles, rosacea, acne scars, spider veins, and other cosmetic concerns on the skin. This procedure involves channeling highly calibrated wavelengths of light energy into targeted skin concerns to destroy the unwanted pigments and spider veins, facilitating their reabsorption by the body. We use the cutting-edge Lumecca by Inmode to perform IPL photofacial, which allows us to promise stunning results without downtime or complications.

two women laughing

IPL photofacial treats the following:

  • Age spots
  • Red and brown spots
  • Sun damage
  • Rosacea
  • Pigmentation problems
  • Spider veins
  • Vascular lesions
  • Freckles
  • Acne scars

How does IPL photofacial work?

IPL photofacial is similar to laser therapy, i.e., light energy is used to address your skin concerns. However, IPL photofacial is a lot more personalized because we can deliver calibrated wavelengths that only address the targeted skin concerns, such as unwanted pigments or spider veins. The pigment-producing cells absorb the light energy, which turns into heat energy and destroys the unwanted pigmented lesions. The damaged skin cells eventually flake away, revealing smoother and softer skin underneath.

woman with afro

Does IPL photofacial hurt?

IPL photofacial with the cutting-edge Lumecca device is completely painless and comfortable. The Lumecca device consists of a cooling tip that protects and cools your skin while delivering the targeted wavelengths into your skin. This ensures optimal comfort. Lumecca can also be adjusted according to your specific skin color and type, making it safe for all skin types. Furthermore, IPL photofacial is an extremely quick procedure, so it concludes before you can experience much discomfort.

How many IPL photofacial sessions will I need?

Generally speaking, most patients need 1 to 3 sessions of IPL photofacials with Lumecca to correct age spots, sun damage, vascular lesions, and freckles. Each session should be spaced one month apart. However, your specific treatment frequency will be curated by your cosmetic provider after a careful evaluation of your skin concerns.

woman with clear skin

What’s the recovery process after IPL photofacial?

You may experience redness, swelling, puffiness, and tenderness after the IPL photofacial, but there are no harsh side effects or complications. The side effects will gradually dissipate in a few hours. You can resume your daily skincare routine and start applying makeup immediately after the treatment. However, your skin will be extremely sensitive to sunlight, so you must wear sunscreen everyday. There’s no downtime — you can resume your daily activities and work immediately.

Why choose Dr. Boustany?

Dr. Ashley Boustany is a Harvard fellowship-trained facial plastic surgeon specializing in the latest cosmetic treatments. As a board-certified plastic surgeon, she has a keen understanding of facial anatomy, which allows her to curate highly personalized treatment plans for your unique needs and concerns. Our medical clinic uses the cutting-edge Lumecca device to provide personalized IPL photofacials, helping you achieve soft, smooth, even-textured, and youthful skin. Please schedule a consultation to discuss your photorejuvenation options in Boston.


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